James Forbes Sothoron

James F. Sothoron was born. (Familysearch.org* {Church Records - Film # 2034724}, St. Mary’s Co., 1784)

** Father’s will & estate - Maryland

Named as a younger son & beneficiary in father’s will of 1793 (see his Notes).

The court appoint John Sothoron guardian to James Forbes Sothoron, Thomas Sothoron and George Washington Sothoron, sons of Henry Greenfield Sothoron deceased. Henry Sothoron and Zachariah __?__ securitys in the penalty of £2,000 current money each. Bond taken for each. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :225}, St. Mary’s Co., 1795.04)

Named as a beneficiary of his mother’s will of 1823 (see her Notes).

Named as a beneficiary in 1818 will of uncle Samuel Bond; was a plaintiff in suit regarding distribution of that estate (see Samuel Bond’s Notes)

** Estates of brothers - Maryland

In consequence of the death of John Sothoron, executor of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron, the undersigned renounce their entitlement to administration De Bonis Non, and ask for appointment of Henry G.S. Key as administrator De Bonis Non of Zachariah's estate: Susanna Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron. (Orphans Court Proc :239, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.02)

Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives:  (see his Notes for more information)

- Mother Mary Sothoron

- Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron

- Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key

- Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman

- Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman

- Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1 {MSA WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1833.08.16}

Inventory of debts due Mary E.A. Sothoron. Monies due William H. & James F. Sothoron for hire of Negroes, including those hired at Bond's Retreat since 1829. (Inv GC#1{MSA CR-35708}:13, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1835.12.04) [This is the widow of brother John]

** Wife & children - Maryland

Rebecca Ann Maria Forbes was born to Elizabeth Marshall (daughter of Rebecca Dent & Thomas Hanson Marshall) & John Forbes (born 19 March 1757). She will marry James Forbes Sothoron. (Forbes, R.*, 1789.07)

Mary Elizabeth Sothoron was born to Rebecca Ann Maria Forbes & James Forbes Sothoron. (Forbes, R.*, 1806.08.13)

James Forbes Sothoron was born to Rebecca Ann Maria Forbes & James Forbes Sothoron. He died 24 August 1811. (Forbes, R.*, 1810.03.17)

Jane Maria Sothoron was born to Rebecca Ann Maria Forbes & James Forbes Sothoron. (Forbes, R.*, 1812.10.31)

Ann Marshall Sothoron was born to Rebecca Ann Maria Forbes & James Forbes Sothoron. (Forbes, R.*, 1816.08.04)

Samuel P. Webster of Georgetown, D.C. married Mary Elizabeth Sothoron, daughter of Major James F. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co.. Services by Reverend Jones at All Faith. (Fresco(1)* :308, St. Mary’s Co., 1831.06.21)

Mrd: by Rev M Jones, Mr SP Webster, of Gtown, DC, to miss Mary Eliz Sothoron, d/o Maj Jas F Sothoron, of St. Mary’s Co, Md. (Dixon*, 1830-1831.:299, St. Mary’s Co., 1831.06.21, Reported 1831.06.29)

James Forbes Sothoron, eldest son of Col. Sothoron, died at his grandfather’s residence at the age of 4. (Calhoun* :9, Prince George’s Co., 1843.12.17, Reported 1843.12.20) [“Col. Sothoron” is John Henry, son of James Forbes Sothoron]

** Census records - Maryland

1810 Census, Charles Co. James F. Sotheoron, pg 95 (321)

Free white males under 10....2
16 - 25....1
26 - 44....2
females under 10....1
16 - 25....1


1820 Census - District 4, Charles Co. James F. Sothoron, pg 90

Free white males under 10....1
16 - 17...0
16 - 25....1
26 - 44....1
females under 10....2
16 - 26....1
26 - 44....1
Involved in Agriculture..53(?)
Involved in Manufacture...5

1840 Census - District 5, St. Mary’s Co. James F. Sothoron, pg 181

Free white males 30 - 49....1
50 - 59....1
females under 5....3
20 - 29....1
Involved in agriculture..22

** Land Records - Maryland

Chas co Crt, Md, in Chancery. Chas Sotheron [see next entry] vs the heirs of John Brooke. Bill to procure from the heirs of John Brooke, dec’d, formerly of Chas. Co, Md & latterly of Ga, a cnvyance of Westwood Manor, Chas Borough & Inlet, 325 acs in Chas co, Md, sold by Brooke to Jos Thompson more than 40 yrs ago. Thompson sold to Philip Key & Hanson Briscoe, who sold to Henry Greenfield Sotheron, f/o the cmplnt. - John Barnes, clk of Chas co, Md. (Dixon*, 1814-17.:292, 1817.06, Reported 1817.06.08)

In Chancery, Chas Co, Md, crt: Jas F. Sothoron vs the heirs of John Brooke. Appoint Fred’k D Stone for the cnvynce of land cld Westwood Manor, a tract cld Chas Borough, & a tract cld Inlet, lying in Chas Co, Md. - John Barnes, clk. (Dixon*, 1818-1820.:134, Charles Co., 1818.11, Reported 1819.02.23)

John Cole Esq., former Sheriff of St. Mary’s Co., by virtue of writ out of Charles Co. Court of Aug 1814, where John Ralph recovered from George Forbes late of Charles Co. yeoman, deeds to James F. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $866, part of Trent Neck, 821 acres, called Lott #4. (Abstracts , St. Mary’s Co., 1823.08.08, Recorded 1823.08.14)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 269": John Cole Former Sheriff, Deed to James F. Sothoron Trent Neck Lot No 4 Contig. 821 acres and sold as the property of John Forbes. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 23:#7:11, Recorded 1823.08.28)

William Penn vs. James Forbes Sothoron, Hugh & Eliza McElderry, George Forbes.

- James F. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. sold Penn land in Charles Co. on Allens Fresh, adjoining Trumans Mill, being part of Westwood Manor - 330 acres, for $3,600. Both parties executed their bonds, Sothoron on 16 December 1815. Sothoron filed a bill with the County Equity Court for a deed, and assigned a bond to Hugh McElderry & Elizabeth his wife of Baltimore; and to George Forbes of Prince George’s Co, who gained judgment against Penn in Charles Co.. Pleads for credit for monies paid, and for final hearing on bill for deed.

- Bond of James Forbes Sothoron for $7,200 dated 16 December 1816.

- Bond of William Penn of Washington & Lancaster for $12,000, dated 9 January 1823. (Chancery Papers 4063, Charles Co., Filed 1824.01.15)

James F. Sothoron use of
George Forbes, Hugh McElderry       vs William Penn
& Eliza. McElderry exrs. of
Horatio C. McElderry

Judgment signed 7 Nov 1823 for $7,200 penalty plus costs, to be released on payment of the due $3,600 with interest thereon from 1 Jan 1817. Response of James F. Sothoron dated 11 August 1825. Notes that the land was occupied promptly by Penn, held for 25 - 30 years without molestation. Penn was to pursue title, not Sothoron.

- Judgment in Penn vs Sothoron et al, dated 26 June 1826. Injunctions are to be dissolved, except for a $50 filing fee. Defendant is to pay complainant his costs, except attorney's fee.

 - Statement of Frederick D. Stone dated 13 April 1825. He was approached in 1817 or 1818 by Sothoron to endeavor to procure a conveyance of a naked title to lands he had sold to Penn. The lands had been in the possession of Sothoron & his father after buying them about 25 years earlier. In discussion with Sothoron, Penn & himself, this writer felt the lands belonged to Sothoron, but agreed it would be safer to proceed in Chancery, Penn to pay the writer $50 when done, credited to him & charged to Sothoron. Writer was appointed trustee to convey the supposed outstanding title. Penn paid the fee, but never called to make conveyance, and never complained or expressed doubt until the judgment against him upon the Bond for purchase money. (Chancery Papers 4063, Charles Co., Filed 1824.01.15)

Deed of trust from James Burroughs of St. Mary’s Co. for unpaid rent to James F. Sothoron, and atter being security for Burroughs to George Forbes in sundry Replevin Bonds. Deeded to James F. Sothoron all undivided interest in real estate of Philip Davis of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd, purchased of his eldest son Thomas; also all of his wife's undivided interest in said real estate. Sothoron to sell land to satisfy debts, holding any surplus for Burroughs. (Abstracts TH#30:242, St. Mary’s Co., 1825.02.17, Recorded 1825.02.17

George Forbes of Prince George's Co, in consideration of "above rented premises" deeds to John H. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. & Elizabeth Webster of Georgetown, D.C. as tenants in common and not as joint tenants, lands adjacent to James F. Sothoron called Chesley's Hill in St. Mary’s Co.. (Abstracts F#1 {StM#3A}:99, St. Mary’s Co., 1832.12.08, Recorded 1833.02.19)

Indenture of 19 August 1835 between William H. Sothoron & wife Susanna C.R. Sothoron, and James F. Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD. Samuel Bond of Prince George's Co., MD died in 1818, and by his will granted unto his four nephews (John, Zachariah, Henry & James Forbes Sothoron) all his real estate in Prince George's Co., commonly known as Bond's Retreat & containing a part of the following tracts: Piscataway Manor, Hansonton & Nonsuch. Henry Sothoron subsequently sold his share to James F. Sothoron for monies received, but died before executing an indenture. William H. Sothoron is the only heir of Henry Sothoron and wishes to complete the transfer of ownership. Wit: H. Compton & Wm. Hall. Recorded 10 Nov 1835. (Prince George's Co., MD Court AB#10:11)

Indenture of 1 Oct 1835 between James F. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD and William Bryan of Richard of Prince George's Co., MD. Samuel Bond of Prince George's Co., MD died in 1818, bequeathing his nephews (John Zachariah, Henry & James F. Sothoron) land in Prince George's Co. known as Bond's Retreat, which contains parts of Piscataway Manor, Hanston & Nonsuch. Henry Sothoron sold his share to James F. Sothoron. On 20 Oct 1828 James F. Sothoron petitioned for a Commission to partition said lands among the owners. On the first Monday of April 1829 they made their report. That portion allotted to James F. Sothoron, including the portion purchased from Henry Sothoron, included the parts of Hansonton & Nonsuch, abutted the Potomac River, and included about 377 1/2 acres. Metes & bounds are given. Was ratified & recorded by the County Court in Liber AB#1:210 to 223. Noted lands conveyed to Bryan for $10. Wit: Thomas Mundell & Smith Martin. Recorded 10 Nov 1835. (Prince George's Co., MD Court Records AB#10:13)

Indenture of 3 December 1835 between William B. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD & Horatio Canter of Charles Co., MD. For $3,000 Sothoron conveys Truman's Lot, Littlesworth, Bruce's Neglect & part of Sothoron's Hills, about 300 acres in all. James F. Sothoron certifies said lands were conveyed by him to William, signed by Jas. F. Sothoron & witnessed by Charles C. Egerton & Geo. Slye. Recorded 5 April 1836. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH10:411)

Indenture of 25 Oct 1835 between James F. Sothoron & William B. Sothoron, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $100 James conveys all of "Sothoron's Hills or Sothoron Supply" lying in St. Mary's Co., MD & in the possession of said William, about 27 1/2 acres. Signed by Jas. F. Sothoron, witnessed by Charles C. Egerton & Geo. Slye. Certified 28 Oct 1835, recorded 5 April 1836. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records, JH#10:410)

Samuel P. Webster & Mary Elizabeth his wife, of St. Mary’s Co. deed to James F. Sothoron for $1,000 one undivided half of Chesly's Hill, bounded on east by lands of Sothoron, on north by Indian Creek, on south by Jowles' Creek, 517 ½ acres. (Abstracts F#2 {StM#4}:11, St. Mary’s Co., 1840.08.01, Recorded 1840.10.13)

Hanson Marshall & Henry Marshall Lesser vs. Sarah Greenfield

- St. Mary's Co. Court, 2 March 1840. Reference made to same Court of March 1839, with judgment for Richerd Fenn Lessee of Hanson Marshall & Henry Marshall vs Sarah Greenfield late of St. Mary’s Co. widow, in tract of land called Indian Creek with Addition in St. Mary’s Co., 217 acres, which Marshall's had devised to Richard Fenn on 1 January1830 for one year

- Answer of R.H. Marshall, filed 30 Nov 1841. John Forbes died in 1818 or 1819. No known waste or impropriety by John Forbes in fulfilling duties of trustee to Elizabeth's estate. Thomas Marshall was blind and unable to effectively deal with the estate. Rebecca A.M. Sothoron noted to be deceased, survived by James F. Sothoron & two children, John H. & Elizabeth Sothoron, the latter marrying Samuel P. Webster. Horatio McElderry died in about 1822, his widow marrying William Plater, who died in about 1827. Jane Forbes died in about 1814 intestate and without husband. Thomas Marshall died in 1829, leaving 2 sons (Thomas H. & Richard H.). Notes agreement of 30 April 1830 in which a certain portion of trust property in Charles Co. was conveyed to complainant & his sister. Included land conveyed by deed dated 8 April 1811 from Ann H. & George T. Wilkinson to John Forbes & Thomas Marshall: the 508 acre Tourt Freeman Place, 30 acre Prions Cleve, and 40 acres adjoining Freemans place. (Chancery Papers 725, Charles Co., Filed 1841.06.14)

William R. Campbell and wife Margaret, to James F. Sothoron of Maryland, for $300, land at Walnut Hills, in Warren Co.[Mississippi] near Yazoo Road. Signed by Wm. R. Campbell & ack. by him before Miles C. Folks, May or Vicksburg, 27 July 1841. Recorded 23 Aug 1841. (Ancestry.com* - Warren Co., MS Court Records :46 - Q:497)   NOTE:  William Henry Sothoron of Maryland died in Vicksburg, MS on 30 Nov 1836.

Indenture of 19 Sept 1842 between James F. Sothoron & his son John H. Sothoron, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. James grants to John a tract called Lot No. 4, being part of Trent Neck, containing about 821 acres, now in tenancy of James Burroughs. Also, 1/2 undivided part of Chesleys Hills, adjoining residence of James, reserving for James during his lifetime the right of way & firewood, building & fence timber, from said Chesleys Hill Land; this undivided half is the interest of Samuel P. Webster & wife which was sold by them to said James, and the following negroes: tom, John, Jack, Abram, Hanson, Jim & wife Juliet & their 3 children, Darky & her son Henry & her daughter Lucretia, Sarah Ann Butler & her children girl Ann & boy Dick. Signed by Jas. F. Sothoron, witnessed by H. Fowler, Benj. H. Sothoron. Certified same date, recorded 6 Oct 1842. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#12:549)

See notes of brother in law George Forbes for details regarding litigation over estate of father in law John Forbes.

Margaret Rice & Thomas Ryce for themselves & as next friends of 8 named Ryce children, all under 21 versus James F. & John H. Sothoron, Elizabeth McDaniel wife of William of Calvert Co.

- Bill states that James F. Sothoron sold Westham, 135 acres, to John B. Ryce long ago for $400. Was lived on by Ryce & family until 8 years ago, when he disappeared. James F. Sothoron died, leaving John H. Sothoron & Elizabeth McDaniel (wife of William McDaniel, Calvert Co) his only children & heirs at law. Claims land paid for, but no deed granted; James F. Sothoron then sold the same land to Maintaner Burroughs of St. Mary’s Co., who took possession. Asks for lands to be properly transferred to claimants.

- Court decree that bill for complainant be taken pro confesso against Wm. & Elizabeth McDaniel, 17 March 1858.

- Answer of John H. Sothoron [NOTE: document is water damaged], dated 16 March 1859. He owned Westham, 125 acres, about 20 years earlier, and sold it to Ryce, James F. Sothoron having nothing to do with the sale. Ryce took possession, never paid, then abandoned the land. His family was unable to pay and left the land unto the possession of John H. Sothoron. Was then sold to Alexander M. Burroughs for $400.

- Order of Circuit Court of St. Mary’s Co. acting in Equity, dated 25 March 1859, striking the decree pro confesso.

- Answer of A.M. Burroughs, dated 13 June 1862. He purchased the land from Col John H. Sothoron. Rice had purchased the land but was unable to pay for it, and his family left the land in June of 1847 or 1848.

- Interrogatories of A.M. Burroughs, dated 22 March 1864. He lived with Major Sothoron 4 or 5 years before Ryce left in 1846 & for one year afterward, living there as a member of the family. He sold his interest in said land to Col. John H. Sothoron in April 1862, the deed being executed 13 June 1862. Burroughs possessed the land from the time he purchased it until selling it. He was the manager of Col. Sothoron's estate.

- Court statement, refusing a final decree until hearing testimony from the McDaniels - dated 19 March 1866.

- Court opinion dated 19 March 1866, appointing a trustee to execute a deed of conveyance of said land to Ryce. (Equity Papers {MSA 19,731-460}, St. Mary’s Co., 1855.10.03)

Orphan Zachariah H. Sothoron, Guardian James F. Sothoron. Assessors William H. Lyles & William Lyles of Prince George’s Co.. Land grant: Bond’s Retreat.

- Description: ...There is on the land a dwelling house lately built of wooden materials 38 by 16 feet, an old kitchen, an old meat house 12 feet by 12, a small kitchen garden with a common enclosure, a pretty good barn 24 by 48 feet with a shed 16 by 48 feet, an old framed carriage house, three log cabbins for negro quarters, an old apple orchard of decaying trees, there are about 200 acres of cleared land, 100 acres of wood of various growth, 10 acres of wild grass meadow, the remainder is marsh under tide water, the whole tract containing about 330 acres being part of a tract of land called Bond's Retreat... (Ranzetta* - EJM#1:319, St. Mary's Co., 1839.10.11)

Indenture of 14 August 1846 between James F. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD; & Zachariah H. Sothoron of Prince George's Co., MD. Zachariah is indebted to James for $800 which former wishes to secure with property known as Bonds Retreat, about 500 acres on the Potomac, which had devised from late John Sothoron to Zachariah. Debt with interest is due on or before 1 January 1846. Signed by Z. H. Sothoron, no witnesses, certified same date. Recorded 9 Oct 1846. (Prince George's Co., MD Land Records JBB#4:602)

Indenture of 5 November 1847 between James P. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD & Zachariah H. Sothoron of same county. James F. Sothoron, as guardian of James P., took a mortgage from Zachariah on 11 Aug 1846 & recorded at JBB#4:602, to secure payment of $800 from Zachariah, using property called Bonds Retreat, about 500 acres, as collateral. Zachariah has paid the debt, including interest, and the mortgage is satisfied. Signed by James P. Sothoron, witnessed by Richd. J. Edelen & Js. M. Parker. Certified same date, recorded 9 Nov 1847. (Prince George's Co., MD Land Records JBB#5:92)

** Tax Assessments - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Fenwick*)

1806 - Upper Resurrection Hundred. James Sothoron. Lands: – . Slaves: 2. Total: 30.0.0.

1821 - District 4. James F. Sothoron. Slaves: 48; 177 oz. Plate – 177. Lands: Orphans Gift, 420 acres; Haldridge, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Westham, 100 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres; Hard Fortune, 55 acres; Canoe Neck, 18 acres; Crackburne & Indian Creek, 403 acres; Crackburnes Swamp, 16 acres. Personal: 701. Total: 9.920.

1826 - District 4. James F. Sothoron. Slaves: 48; 177 oz. Plate – 177. Lands: Orphans Gift, 420 acres; Haldridge, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Westham, 100 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres; Hard Fortune, 55 acres; Canoe Neck, 18 acres; Crackburne & Indian Creek, 403 acres; Crackburnes Swamp, 16 acres; Lot No. 4, being Pt. Trent Neck, 821 acres. Personal: 770. Total: 11.803.

1831 - District 4. James P. Sothoron. Slaves: 3. Land: –. Total: 120.

1846 - District 5.  I/J. F. Sothoron, guardian to I/J.P. Sothoron. Slaves: 13; Priv. Secur. 2.139. No lands. Total: 5.339.

- I/J. F. Sothoron, guardian to Z. H. Sothoron. Lands: – . Slaves: 13. Total 4.300.
- Jas. F. Sothoron. Slaves: 27; 158 Plate value, Livestock 927, Household Furniture, etc. Lands: Orphans Gift, 420 acres; Pt. Sothoron’s Hills, 22 ½ acres; Westham, 100 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres. Total: 22.220.

** Military activity - Maryland

James F. Sotheron commissioned a Captain, listed as a Company Officer of the 45th Regiment. (Military Appointments 2:54,147, St. Mary’s Co., 1812.11.07)

James F. Sothoron appears on a Return dated 10 Sept 1813. He entered service on 21 April in a detachment of the 45 (Ashton’s) Regiment, ordered into service on 20 April 1813. He was discharged 30 April with 10 days of service. Pay rate per month was $40, pay due $14.27 ½, rate per day 60 cents, rations 6.00. (Compiled Service Record*, 1813.04.21, Recorded 1813.09.10)

James F. Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 4 October 1813. He entered on duty as a Capt. on 21 April, serving in his own detachment, 45 (Ashton’s) Reg’t Maryland Militia, until 1 May (11 days). Pay per month 40, sum due 14.19. (Compiled Service Record*, St. Mary’s Co., 1813.04.21, Recorded 1813.10.04)

James F. Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 8 Oct 1813. He entered on duty as a Capt. on 16 July in his own Detachment, 45 (Ashton’s) Reg’t Maryland Militia, which was ordered on service in April 1813. He was discharged 26 July, serving 11 days. Sum due 14.19.. (Compiled Service Record*, St. Mary’s Co., 1813.07.16, Recorded 1813.10.08)

** Attempts to recover economic losses from War of 1812 - Maryland

Capt. James F. Sothoron was required to use his own dwellings to quarter troops, said dwellings then being severely damaged by the enemy. (Congressional Report {Senate} :29, St. Mary’s Co., 1814.06, Recorded 1847.02.06)

Claim for Indemnity for destruction of property by the enemy, brought in the name of James F. Sothoron. First session of the 24th Congress, brought as Senate Bill 118, referred to Claims Committee, reported without amendment. Passed by the House and Senate 2 July 1836, “App’d” (Ancestry.com* {U.S. House of Representatives Private Claims 3:899}, 1836.06.02)

In accordance with Senate Bill 118, James F. Sothoron, father of Col. Sothoron, was issued $7,500 as reimbursement for damages sustained to his buildings during the War of 1812. (Calhoun* :7 {National Archives, Misc. Treasury Account 70942, Records Group 217 - Auditors Office, U. S. Treasury}, 1836.10.24)

Second session of the 29th Congress. Report given on the petition of James F. Sothoron to recover damages incurred in the war with England. (Congressional Report {Senate}:29, Recorded 1847.02.06)

Claim for Indemnity for destruction of property by the enemy, brought in the name of James F. Sothoron. Second session of the 29th Congress, brought as Senate Bill 150, referred to Claims Committee, reported without amendment. Referred to Claims Committee & Whole House. (Ancestry.com* {U.S. House of Representatives Private Claims 3:38}, 1847.05.01)

First Session of the 30th Congress. Bill to reimburse the estate of James F. Sothoron for damages inflicted by the British in 1814. Passed the Senate. [Calhoun*, page 10, refers to an attached document naming John H. Sothoron administrator of the estate of his father, James F. Sothoron.] (Senate Bill S-219, 1848.06.16)

Claim for Indemnity for destruction of property by the enemy, brought in the name of James F. Sothoron. First session of the 30th Congress, brought as Senate Bill 129, referred to Claims Committee, reported with amendment. Passed by the House and Senate 2 July 1836, “App’d”. (Ancestry.com* {U.S. House of Representatives Private Claims 3:913}, 1848.07.12)

Claim for Indemnity for destruction of property by the enemy, brought in the name of James F. Sothoron. Second session of the 30th Congress, brought as Senate Bill 129 from last session, referred to whole House with amendment. Passed by the House and Senate 3 March 1849 as amended, “App’d”. (Ancestry.com* {U.S. House of Representatives Private Claims 3:626}, 1849.03.03)

In accordance with Senate Bill 129, payment of $12,070 was made to the estate of James F. Sothoron for “personal property” losses during the War of 1812, including tobacco, crops & timber. (Calhoun* :11 {Misc. Treasury Account Number 100974, Records Group 217}, 1849.05.08)

** Public service & activities - Maryland

James F. Sothoron a Commissioner of the Tax, for at least part of the period 1815-1826. He was a member of the Levy Court 1815-16 & 1818-19. (Hammett*:426 & 428, St. Mary’s Co.)

Several persons, including James F. Sothoron, are authorized to undertake a lottery to collect at least $40,000 for the benefit of Charlotte Hall School The parties are to submit to a bond of $80,000 in the aggregate. (Arch MD 192:2041 {Kilty: The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799... }, 1818.01.10)

At a meeting of those Friendly to the Adm of the Genr’l Gov’t, with objections to the rival candidate, Gen. Andrew Jackson, Jas Sothoron was assigned to the Cmte of Correspondence. (Dixon*, 1827-1829.:71, St. Mary’s Co., 1827.06.05, Reported 1827.06.12)

Jas F Sothoron was one of several countians who met “...relative to their black population.” They passed three resolutions: encouraging peace officers to prevent negroes from having meetings, possessing dogs or firearms; discouraged the education of negroes, to prevent their becoming “...dissatisfied with their condition...;” and to thank the State Governor for his support, “...in reference to the disorderly & riotous meetings of the black population in St. Mary’s Co. (Dixon*, 1830-1831.:395, St. Mary’s Co., 1831.11.14, Reported 1831.11.23)

In consequence of the destruction of records of the St. Mary’s Co. Clerk’s office, five men were commissioned to have the lines and bounds of all county election districts described anew, to be paid $2 per day for their work, and to report their findings by the first Monday of next August. The commissioners were James Kirk, Robert Holton, Stephen Gough, Joseph Dunbar & James T. Sothoron. (Arch MD 213:243 {Session Law, 1831}, 1833.02.24)

Jas F. Sothoron was one of several countians materially interested in having Congress procure a diminution of foreign duties on “that staple” (tobacco). (Dixon*, 1836-1837.:326, St. Mary’s Co., 1837.01.03, Reported 1837.01.24)

** Activities as witness, surety and appraiser - Maryland

James F. Sothoron was witness to an indenture between Rev. John Reeder Keech of Baltimore City & Henry Hill of St. Mary’s Co., for the sale of The Mill Seat, 19 acres, as laid out by commission on the estate of John Keech dec'd. (Chancery Rec 125:480, 1820.06.21)

James Kilgour & James F. Sothoron vs. Neal H. Shaw & Elkanah Edwards.

- Shaw & Edwards, executors for the estate of John Chappelear, obtained judgment against the orators as securites to Robert Kilgour. Judgment was for the entire amount, Kilgour has already paid $330 on account. Pleads for injunction against pursuing account.

- Copy of bond of James F. Sothoron, Hanson Burroughs & George Hayden of St. Mary’s Co. to Elkanah Edwards & Neal H. Shaw for $3,000, to be paid to Edwards & Shaw. Dated 13 Nov 1824. James F. Sothoron noted to be pursuing an injunction in a case against him in the sum of $1,200 plus costs. Bond taken to ensure effective & timely pursuit of that injunction & resolution of the case.

- Injunction granted, dated 13 November 1824. (Equity Paper {MSA 19,731-73}:#146, St. Mary’s Co., 1824.11.13)

Administrative bond for Henry G.S. Key as administrator de Bonis Non of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron for $20,000. Sureties Henry & James F. Sothoron. (Admin Acts {MSA WK-247-248-1}:225, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.21)

The signatures of James F. Sothoron & Henry Sothoron appear on a bond this date. Papers relate to Chancery Court case of Henry Sothoron & John T. Hawkins vs. Boteler et al (138 Chancery 607: 19 November 1823). (Chancery Papers 11009, St. Mary’s Co., 1827.11.17)

William D. Locke vs George N. Alvey & James F. Sothoron.

- Alvey had judgment against Locke, which was transferred to use of James F. Sothoron. Complains that credit was not given for monies paid, asks for reckoning and injunction. Injunction granted 5 November 1827.

- Copy of two judgments of Alvey, use of James F. Sothoron against Locke, dated 28 July 1827.

- Answers of Alvey & Sothoron, both dated15 March 1831, denying debt.

- Court order of 7 May 1833 dissolving injunction and dismissing claim, with costs to be paid by complainant. (Equity Papers {MSA 19,731-103}, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1827.10.30)

In the first account of Edward Fendall administrator of Dr. Benjamin Fendall dec'd, "Monies paid Frederick D. Stone for the use of James Sotheron as per acct and receipt £--.69.10. (Chancery Rec 142:652, 1830.01.29)

James F. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. testified that he knew Dr. Benjamin Fendall late of Charles Co., and his sons. He noted that Thomas Hanson Marshall Fendall had moved from the state many years earlier while single and had not returned. He was believed to have moved to Georgia, married, died with issue. (Chancery Rec 142:659, 1830.10.13)

Bond dated 30 March 1832 between George Forbes of Prince George's Co. & William Thompson of Charles Co.; and James F. Sothoron, John Henry Sothoron, Samuel P. Webster & Elizabeth his wife, for $10,000. Bond for George Forbes to faithfully account all credits and debits of the estate of Elizabeth Bond, which he may have received since 26 August 1831. (Chancery Papers 7923, Charles Co., Filed 1832.07.11)

** Church activities - Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Maryland

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, Zachariah Sothoron & James F. Sothoron. William Sothoron is is arrears by 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:Unnumbered, 1823)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. Mary Sothoron is in arrears by 5.00. On William Good's List, Richard Sothoron owes 1.00. On John J. Estep's List, William Sothoron still owes 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:Unnumbered, 1824)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. James F. Sothoron has an unpaid balance of 5.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:Unnumbered, 1825)

John Tucker's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & William Sothoron. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:Unnumbered, 1827)

Henry Sothoron Esq. died, funeral & burial on 24 January 1832 at Major Sothoron's place. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:Unnumbered, 1832.01.20)

At Major Sothoron's, the funeral & burial of Martha Turner, a child; and of a colored child. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:Unnumbered, 1832.05.01)

** Miscellaneous

James F. Sothoron vs. Gustavus & George Weems. Weems & others invested in a proposed purchase & operation of the steamboat Surprize, which was to operate between Baltimore & Patuxent River, as far as Nottingham. The deal soured and Weems sued for return of money. Decided by jury for the plaintiff, but went to Court of Appeals 20 Nov 1821 and verdict was reversed, on basis of erroneous instruction to the jury regarding rights of shareholders. (Gill* 3:435, 1818.03)

$100 reward for runaway negro man Peter; has a wife at Mr Jas F Sotthorous, lvg on the Patuxent rvr, nr Benedict -Jos Morton, Chas Co, Md. (Dixon*, 1818-1820.:290, Charles Co., Reported 1820.05.13)

James Thompson estate sale includes the sale to James F. Sothoron of 1 steer, hogs, oxen, sheep, Books, pictures, stove, glass, hackles - 207.29. (Tax Assessment Papers {MSA # C1523-4}, St. Mary’s Co., 1825.05.10)

The petition of James F. Sothoron, creditor of John Johnson dec'd of Charles Co., asking kindred to show cause why the estate had not been administered. Ordered returnable August Term next. (Orphans Court Proc :17, Charles Co., 1825.07.18)

Crct Crt of Wash Co, Mar Term, 1836, Varnum & Fuller vs Jas F Sothoron, Nov 1835. Ruled that the plntf employ new cnsl - Wm Brent, clk. (Dixon*, 1836-1837.:77, Washington Co., DC - 1836.03, Reported 1836.04.02)

** Death & estate - Maryland

Died, in consequence of a fall from his horse, on Tuesday, the 16th ultimo, Major JAMES F. SOTHORON, of St. Mary’s county, Maryland, aged sixty-three years.

- The subject of this notice was a native of the county which now holds within its bosom his mortal remains. Though favored with strong powers of mind, and enjoying universal popular confidence and regard, his unambitious spirit sought not distinction in public employments, but found more congenial exercise in the performance of all those holy duties that spring from the relations of parent, neighbor, and friend. Wealthy, occupying the highest social position, his unostentatious regard for all ranks of men sprung not from politic motive, but from the best impulses of one of the best hearts that ever throbbed within the human bosom. As a neighbor, he was matchless; charity with him was not a cold enjoined duty, either of religion or society, but the generous flowing out of a spirit that rejoiced in the alleviation of distress. Through a life of more than half a century, he numbered a thousand friends, and knew not a solitary enemy. What prouder testimony to all those virtues that mark man as God-created, can be offered than is conveyed b the enunciation of this simple fact. As a parent he was the adviser and companion of his children. Age alone, and the experience it brought, indicated that his relation to them was paternal. Who that knew him mourns him not. The poor have lost their generous open-hearted benefactor; the social class its pleasure and its pride; and his children long, long will lament the void, not this side of eternity to be filled up, left from the domestic hearth. Peace be with him. If a life of practical doing-good can commend a man to the mercy of his God, he now enjoys in a degree not to be compassed by human reckoning the bliss promised to the “good and faithful servant. C. (National Intelligencer, St. Mary’s Co., 1847.02.16, Reported 1847.03.02)

Col. John H. Sothoron & Elizabeth his wife, of St. Mary’s Co., deed to Benjamin H. Sothoron for $2,000, Brotherhood, 290 acres, in St. Mary's & Charles Counties, being the tract that Major James F. Sothoron died seized & possessed. (Abstracts F#4 {StM#5}:100, St. Mary’s Co., 1868.08.10, Recorded 1868.10.15)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.